I started Three new package bees on Mother Day May 9, 2021. They are all Carniolan bees from Georgia. They are considered more gentle bees as to compared to the Italian bees I’ve tried to keep in years past. They adapt better and should over winter better too. This year my mentor Billy helped me with a direct queen release and will stick with me the entire season. That’s a good thing!
The next day, I placed two partial frames of honey in slots #1 and #8 of each hive to help feed the expected larva. I’m also feeding sugar water for the bees to feed on. This area in this county is not as good as others for the bees to forage in. Farmers are planting cash crops and are allowed to use weed killer to kill off the natural wild flowers around here. It’s also been very cold with daily frost warnings in the mornings. A lot against us with these bees already arriving two weeks late but I’m looking forward to the best of nine years since I began as a Keeper. I’ll keep you updated!